Friday, 12 February 2010

Black & White Cine footage

black or white by alan dfexx from James Grieves on Vimeo.

Very artistic and well filmed although the subject matter doesn't inspire me that much the esthetics of the film work really well.

1950's Cine Camera footage

Cine-Kodak from James Grieves on Vimeo.

I was tagged this by a friend who found it on a site - its really cool and just the look and feel that I admire and enjoy in old cine footage.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Kodak Ektachrome 64T (7280) Super 8 Cross-Process Tests

I really like this film - the way that the colours come across so vividly - the graininess of the film and the jolting of the filming makes it very interesting and draws you in to the film.

Super 8 development test

This films shows some of the effects you can achieve by using the medium of Super 8. This footage was developed by the film maker in a home made dark room using a two litre plastic bowl (from ice cream) as a tank and manipulating and pressing the film down constantly to give it this unique effect.


This is a very interesting short film as it ties in very much with the subject I covered in my first semester project on 1980's synth-pop. It also runs very smoothly into my Semester 2 project where I will be using the Super 8 Cine Camera techniques for my final practical outcome in some way, shape or form.

Cut Ups

A short film using cut-up stills, voice over (French/English) and instrumental music - an interesting piece and very strong graphically.

Antony Balch - The Cut-Ups - Part 2

Short film from Antony Balch using the cut-up method


Below are a selection of links to short films that I like or have opinions on:

The above link is a very abstract short film on design management - I like the way that colour and typography is used within this film and the way that the music steers you through the piece.


After weeks and weeks of researching into Cine Cameras and the pro's & cons of buying one - I am now the proud owner of not one but 2 - Yes 2!, Super 8 Cine Cameras, an "ELMO SUPER 8 230S-XL" and a "BELL & HOWELL 1225 AF".

Historically, Bell & Howell Co. was an important supplier of many different media technologies.

The firm built its name making products such as a rotary framer on 35mm film projectors in 1907 a 35mm film perforator in 1908
Professional 35mm motion-picture film cameras from 1909 on
Printing equipment used by motion-picture film laboratories since 1911
The Standard Cinematograph Type 2709 hand-cranked camera (used in early silent films, it was so expensive that only Charlie Chaplin and three other people owned one [1]. The rest were owned by studios)
Newsreel and amateur film cameras such as the Filmo (end of 1923) and Eyemo (1925), and Autoload EE (1956)
Military 16mm film gun camera TYPE N-6A
Regular-8 and Super-8 film cameras and projectors (all models)
16mm silent and sound projectors (all models)
Slide projectors (2" X 2")
Overhead presentation projectors (all models)
The firm dropped the production of movie cameras in the early 1970s.

Bell & Howell has been the leading supplier of media equipment for schools and offices. The film laboratory line is now a separate company, BHP Inc, which is a division of Research Technology International.

The firm added microfilm products in 1946. It purchased University Microfilms International in the 1980's. UMI produced a product called ProQuest. On June 6, 2001 Bell & Howell became ProQuest Company (NYSE "PQE").

Over the coming weeks these cameras will be put into action and tested to the max before the Super 8 film is sent away for developing. It is only then that I will be able to see the outcome of my experimenting - I am then hoping to cut and splice the film before digitising and adding even more abstract images and text over it.

Should be fun and I am really looking forward to getting "Stuck-in" to the project fully.

Watch this space for more updates as the project progresses.